Student Centered Approach

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I have had many opportunities this week to observe Student Centered Learning. With multiple intakes throughout the school year, I find it somewhat neccassary to utilize this technique with students who have already covered certain topics. This allows me to supervise the other students who are in the practical portion of the course where safety is priority and the students cannot be left alone.

My article covers areas that I see a concern for daily. The understanding that students need to be engaged in my program is very important. If I were to instruct all of my students at the same time I would lose engagement as I have several different courses on-going at any given time

Having the ability to let my experienced students engage the new intake students has much merit in the classroom.

Questions that I ask myself daily though would be;

At what point is too much Student Centered Learning? Where do we draw the line as Instructors without losing engagement in the classroom?



2 thoughts on “Student Centered Approach”

  1. You make a very good point that we as teacher hope to engage all of our students but the reality is that we do not and our students experience level will vary from student to student.
    You teach multiple courses at the same time, this must be a challenge to stay on task. Given on the best of days our students may or may not progress with our course material.


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